Operation Thanksgiving
"Operation Thanksgiving" is a special ministry of our church to our community. Each Thanksgiving Day we provide a meal with all the trimmings. There are numerous ways you can be a part of this ministry. We will be serving meals this Thanksgiving Day at the Community Health Systems Building in downtown Jasper. Meals can be taken to shut-ins as well.
Contact our church office early to be added to our meals delivery list. (387-0500)
With help from others, 1660 plates were served this year! This included shut-ins, Jail ministry, and nursing homes.
OPERATION THANKSGIVING IS APPROACHING VERY QUICKLY! If anyone has outerwear such as coats, sweaters, scarves, socks or gloves or quilts and blankets that you would like to donate to give to people who need them, please call 205 387-0500. They will be distributed on Thanksgiving Day during Operation Thanksgiving.